My Month Of Justice! Mal4:2

We have measured the greatness of our nation by many things that matter only to us.
We appreciate the rise to modernity, the roads that pass, the buildings that are built,
to the popularisation of certain standards.
We are a country with a high school enrolment rate,
with a military power that defends and protects the nation,
with a diplomacy that opens its doors to the world, but does all this make our country a great nation?
Greatness is determined by human criteria, but we are quick to forget the sins in which our territory is trapped.
The kidnappings are glaring,
levity is heightened, adultery is normal and corruption is entrenched.
All these evils cry out to heaven,
it is high time to pray for justice,
to plead for a solid return to the will of God.
We must pray for an improvement in the judicial system, because judges are accused of being paid off.
We must learn to do justice to those who deserve it.
Proverbs, 14:34 – Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to people.
Fast and pray for your country.
These words of Solomon are addressed above all to Israel.
Israel, God’s people.
This verse is a divine point of view and the world is not of this opinion, but it is mistaken.
Elevation that is not based on justice has no value,
iniquitous success is nothing but a dazzling infamy.
A nation will be elevated or lowered according to whether its moral sense and upright conscience are more or less developed.
The worth of a people depends upon its moral seriousness.
Society has never prospered with a lowered sense of justice.
Justice is Jesus Christ.
Without it, a nation has no roots and no bearings, so we must all aspire to be true disciples who uphold a certain integrity.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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