My Month Of Accountability! Luke16:10

Can we be counted on?
Can the pastor of our church really entrust us with a mission?
Do we feel capable of accomplishing a task without being reproached?
We will certainly say that we do our best to meet the demands of the ministry, we will say that we are available for service, we will say that everyone appreciates us for this because they see in us abilities.
One day, Moses chose some men to send them to spy out the land of Canaan and report what they found. He found them valiant, courageous, but when they got there, some of them panicked because they saw the giants.
They underestimated themselves, they found that they were locusts next to them.
The Israelites became discouraged and began to complain.
But Joshua and Caleb were confident, they knew they could beat them, they were sad to see their brothers disobey and lack trust in the Lord.
The Lord, disappointed, decided that Israel would wander in the desert until all the unbelievers died; they would not see the promised land.
We are still asking ourselves the question: do we have the capacity to be people worthy of being responsible?
Responsibility also means believing in the promises of our Lord.
Acts 6:3 – Therefore, brethren, choose from among you seven men who will bear good witness, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, and whom we will appoint to this office.
Pray for the qualities of a person worthy of responsibility.
Not everyone is called to one type of job.
For some jobs we need more concentration,
more diligence,
more discretion.
We have to be careful how we manage our lives, others are watching us and it is our actions that determine the good testimony that others have of us.
Let us pray that we will be those diligent and loyal children on whom our Father can be proud.
Good morning to you all
Good day to you all

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