My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

Make no mistake, spiritual seduction has saturated the corridors of our churches.
Many of us hover in confusion, and this is unfortunately the disease of many of our temples today.
It is no longer scandalous to live or follow a counterfeit or a distortion of the truth of God’s word.
If we continue in this way, refusing to stand up to unmask or reject this deception, the faith of many will be weakened.
Let’s stop thinking that we are too strong, we have experience in these things,
no one is safe if he does not watch,
if they have no spiritual discernment.
How many times have we heard it mockingly said that we will realise one thing when Jesus returns…
For some, the master is so slow in coming that they no longer take him seriously,
that they have finally taken away from others the conviction of the idea of his return.
This influence makes many careless and presumptuous, comforting them in their worldliness.
At every level, each creates his own theatre to keep others in their myth,
they walk around in long robes,
saying long prayers,
sitting in the front seats just to keep the respect of others.
They call themselves prophets, they give prophecies from their mouths but they are not the authoritative voices of the kingdom of God.
Many false teachers will be surprised by the coming of Christ.
The return of the Lord risks confusing many and exposing those who claim to be untouchable.
It is not to our advantage to postpone the coming of Christ,
It is not to our advantage to continue laughing at these multiple warnings, let us focus on the return of our Lord.
The days are evil and there is another warning in the book of Revelation, 16:15 – Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and his shame be seen. –
Fast and pray so that you are not exposed negatively.
God, who is all-powerful, says himself that his arrival will not be announced.
He compares his coming to that of a thief.
A thief prepares in secret, he spies, he inspects, he studies his place of attack.
He does not expose himself,
he is preoccupied with planning his project so that everything is a success,
They don’t join forces with just anyone,
He has his timing,
he’s disciplined,
He’s focused,
He’s careful,
He doesn’t lose sight of his objectives…
So it’s up to us to know that the thief is on the prowl and to take precautions,
it’s up to us to lock our doors so that the enemy can’t get in,
It’s up to us to be careful not to be robbed.
Let us be vigilant; happiness is for those who are vigilant.
Let us clothe ourselves in the glory of the Lord,
it is what distinguishes us,
it is what identifies us,
it is what gives us access to the kingdom of God.
Let us pray that we do not lose the presence of God.
When we are covered with the fullness of the Spirit, we are not also vulnerable souls because we carry the light of God and that is our ticket to Zion.
Hello village
Good day to you

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