My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

Notice to the ungrateful!!!!
to those who think they are powerful,
to those who think they are ahead and God is behind,
to those who see riches as the end of the world,
to those who think they are safe and untouchable,
to those who think that success belongs to them,
those who think they can do anything and that they are the Lord’s chosen ones,
those who plan without Jesus…
time does not belong to us!!!
The young prophet did rise from his house to go and do the mission for which the Lord had entrusted him.
He was to release God’s prophetic thought to Jeroboam.
Unfortunately, not everything went according to plan.
His youth and inexperience played tricks on him and he died on the way.
The devil came as an angel of light and diverted him from his mission.
The Bible tells us that Jeroboam was unable to seduce the young prophet, but the old prophet, with his white hair and maturity, succeeded in convincing the young man of God, who finally disobeyed his God to follow the old prophet.
Was it out of jealousy that the old prophet used God’s name to extinguish his brother?
A gratuitous sin because we have taken spiritual things as a joke.
We can also think that the old prophet had become a dunce in the spiritual life,
He couldn’t stand the rise of a young man in his territory.
The love of possessions had emboldened his heart,
he compromised himself and spiritual slumber surrounded him.
He chose to be silent rather than spread the gospel and spiritual softening overcame him.
In any case, the old prophet’s guilt may have brought back his conscience as he cared for the young prophet’s body.
We see the old prophet warning and exhorting his family.
He has regained his vigour.
Let us know that with God everything can be given back except lost time…
Has anyone let down the flame of God’s service?
Have we given up visiting the sick and the afflicted?
Have we stopped taking an interest in supporting missionaries?
Have we ceased to bear witness to the grace that is in Jesus Christ?
Have we deserted the post that God once entrusted to us and which gave us so much joy?
Ephesians, 5:16 – Redeem the time, for the days are evil.
Time is not yours!
We have to fight not to be out of season,
God gives us plenty of time to glorify him and capitalise on the opportunities that come our way.
We have to pay the price,
make a sacrifice because we spend too much time on our carnal activities than on our spiritual enrichment.
Let’s put our time-wasting aside for a moment and get on with the race to victory.
Paul gives us a warning and these are words of good advice because the devil does everything to keep us distracted and it is up to us to organise ourselves so that our God takes all the glory.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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