My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

Don’t worry, we’ll get over it!
We’re in for a rude awakening!
Fools are those who sleep.
Those who sleep a lot are dreamers, lazy people.
The wise don’t have much time to sleep,
they wait for God,
they know that God is working with them through vision.
They have goals,
they have projects,
they plan,
they get organised and they reach their goal.
Foolish people, as soon as they start, they want to rest, to rest that they have achieved what?
The Bible tells us that God had his programme,
his plan was well defined and he didn’t stop until he saw that everything he had done was very good.
The Lord himself undertook it, he appreciated it before thinking of resting.
And so we, in our projects, are always starting and never finishing.
Sometimes we get discouraged because things don’t turn out the way we want.
So, very quickly, things start to bite, we introduce laziness, negligence…
We no longer want to serve, we want to be served and do as others do.
The parable of the ten virgins illustrates this clearly. Jesus says that “and when the bridegroom was late in coming, they all dozed off and fell asleep”.
Many Christians are like that, even those in our churches.
They sleep, they sleep a deep sleep.
Some Christians are asleep and don’t know it,
they fall into a sleep and don’t wake up because those around them are also forming.
And if anyone tries to wake them up, they are aggressive.
Some of them even sleep when they pray.
They repeat themselves so much and have no real zeal.
1 Thessalonians, 5:6 – Therefore let us not sleep as others do, but let us watch and be sober.
Do not imitate the fools who sleep.
Let us be vigilant, my friends.
Being vigilant also means fighting against spiritual fatigue.
To combat spiritual fatigue, we need spiritual nourishment, in other words, the Word of God.
Let’s not be influenced by what’s going on around us.
True Christians must be on their guard against falling asleep. Let’s remember the last night that Jesus spent with his disciples; they fell asleep, even though he had repeatedly exhorted them to remain vigilant.
Let us all pay attention to our spiritual life,
Let’s not let routine keep us from the path, let’s worship God in spirit and in truth.
Let’s fight to keep our connection with the Lord.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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