My Month Of Integrity! Ps119:1

It’s not enough to start obeying God,
You have to continue until the end of your life.
Just because the blessing has come to an end does not mean that we should give up and abandon God’s guidance.
Many things can drive us away from God: pride, a thirst for power, the need for recognition, fear…
And this is the case of many people in the Bible.
Instead of listening to God and obeying him, Jeroboam chose to listen to his flesh and give it free rein.
His bad choices led him to disobedience…
Jeroboam was a clever, strong and intelligent man, and his subjects trusted him and were loyal to him.
He relied on his skills and strengths, and everything worked out for him,
his plans came to fruition and the people followed him.
Let us not let the glory of the world distract us from what is most precious to us, for God’s ways are not our own.
God’s will is the only guarantee we have of remaining righteous.
Things may seem to be falling apart around us,
things may look bleak, but our God is faithful and he will restore us if we sit at his feet.
David only had experience of the fields but when it came to fighting Goliath. Despite his young age, he turned to God and called on the Lord of hosts,
he was aware that without God’s grace,
the Lord equipped him for battle and gave him victory.
Beloved, our daily prayer should be to implore the grace to abide faithfully in the ways of the Lord.
Job, 23:11 – My foot has followed his steps; I have kept his way, and have not turned from it.
Pray to follow the Lord’s ways faithfully.
The story of Job is a great comfort.
It can also help us learn more about a quality that every servant of God must possess: integrity.
Integrity means being so completely attached to God that, even in the face of trials, we continue to do his will.
No matter what shocks lie ahead, let’s connect with God’s word,
let us walk in the footsteps of the Lord,
let us be his imitators, let us trust in the Lord’s love.
He is the one we need to reign.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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