My Month Of Integrity! Ps119:1

Beloved, we are still well within our theme for the month.
The Lord wants us to see all the facets of integrity.
He wants to push us to surpass ourselves and to disconnect ourselves from anything that could overshadow us.
This morning, to begin this new week, he warns us.
The Lord introduces the week with a warning, and no one will say that it doesn’t concern them.
Hypocrisy is our subject, what we do and say in secret so that no one knows.
What our hearts really think and our mouths can’t say openly.
Let’s be wary of our hypocrisy,
it prevents us from appreciating things at their true value.
The warning against the leaven of hypocrites, who sometimes take advantage of their status in society,
their social standing,
the privileges they enjoy or the naivety of others to oppress them and keep them dependent.
Let’s be careful not to be the subject of scandal,
what we think we’ve kept to ourselves can be exposed and soil us.
One day, Naaman, the leader of the Syrian army, came to see Elysium.
He needed healing, the leprosy would be attached to him.
The prophet Elysium, having instructed Naaman to receive his healing, resolved not to take anything as a gift from Naaman’s hands.
But Guehazi, the prophet’s servant, secretly followed Naaman to take his clothes and possessions because he could not bear to let such an opportunity escape him.
The Bible tells us that Guehazi returned and lied to his master about his attitude.
Because of this, Naaman’s leprosy attached itself to Guehazi because the spirit of Elysium was present in his encounter with Naaman.
Let us be honest people in our lives, in our hearts,
in our relationships…
It was the lack of integrity that disqualified Guehazi as his master’s successor.
Luke, 12:2 – There is nothing hidden that should not be revealed, nor anything secret that should not be known.
Pray that you will necer cause scandal.
Let us ask the Holy Spirit to fill us continually so that we will never be stumbling blocks in the body of Christ.
Good day to you all
Good day

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