My Month Of Integrity! Ps119:1

Deceit and lies are so fashionable that the Lord wants us to stop and think about how we are destroying ourselves.
Deception has taken all its forms,
deceit has many hats,
deceit in all its multitude…
Deception has infiltrated every area of life,
it has become the norm.
Doing without it has become difficult, if not impossible,
It’s our escape route.
We’ve put all our confidence in it,
It makes us believe that we are in control,
it makes us believe that our authority is above that of others,
it helps us to manipulate our cards and yet it’s just a means that the enemy still uses to destroy us,
it’s just a trick the devil has to tie us to the wrong seed.
In a subtle way, we have made an alliance with deception that it has imposed itself on our daily lives…
Deceit and lies are so fashionable that the Lord wants us to stop and think about how we are destroying ourselves.
Deception has taken all its forms,
deceit has many hats,
deceit in all its multitude…
Deception has infiltrated every area of life,
it has become the norm.
Doing without it has become difficult, if not impossible,
It’s our escape route.
We’ve put all our confidence in it,
It makes us believe that we are in control,
it makes us believe that our authority is above that of others,
it helps us to manipulate our cards and yet it’s just a means that the enemy still uses to destroy us,
it’s just a trick the devil has to tie us to the wrong seed.
In a subtle way, we have made an alliance with deception that it has imposed itself on our daily lives…
Hosea, 12:7 – And you, return to your God, Keep piety and righteousness, And hope in your God always.
Fast and pray to rid yourself of the spirit of deceit.
Let’s stop trying to find our own way to prosperity.
We are invited to return to our God, to practice love.
Today’s verse invites us to turn back from our bad decisions, to stop prostituting ourselves to other gods,
to leave rebellion and unfaithfulness behind, to be whole in our lives and to walk according to the law of the Lord.
Don’t think that locking ourselves up in a system of reasoning guarantees integrity. It’s the word of God in us that transforms our ways and makes us seasoned workers for the kingdom.
Hello family
Good day to you

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