My Month Of Blooming! Es54:2

We have all neglected evangelisation at one time or another in our history.
We have left it in the hands of others while finding pretexts that it is a matter for the men of God.
We have neglected God’s work and we have hurried each to his own house.
Some have become ashamed of the gospel; they are unable to reveal their identities and lose all courage when it comes to proclaiming the word of God.
Others prefer to get together with friends to share anything that does not glorify God rather than raise a quality moment on the altar of prayer.
Beloved, it is our responsibility to go and make disciples of the nations,
it is our role to tell of the wonders and miracles the Lord has worked,
it is our duty to be witnesses to the glory of God.
When was the last time we took the initiative to announce the good news to others?
What appointment did we make with our Lord to honour him?
When we carry God’s seed,
we want to tell people about it,
we want everyone to know about the new person we have become.
That’s what happened with the Samaritan woman; her encounter with Jesus led to her conversion, her repentance and then her restoration.
The water of life that she had received from the divine source stirred within her and compelled her to tell the world about the light of God that illuminated her.
Evangelisation also means enlarging the space of our tent.
It means refusing to let the Lord’s blessings be limited only to ourselves,
It means sharing Christ’s love with others.
Many people are lost,
Many have lost their bearings,
Some have lost their way, and it’s up to us to sow edifying and living words in their hearts, and above all to pray that God will touch their souls.
Acts, 11:21 – The hand of the Lord was with them, and many believed and were converted to the Lord.
Fast and pray to be an exceptional soul winner.
The hand of the Lord implies strength, protection, security, favour over the life of a man or a people.
When the hand of the Lord is upon a nation,
it attracts attention and convinces its flock.
Let us pray, then, that the hand of the Lord will make his uplifted and authentic word resound in all frontiers.
Good morning beloved
Good day to you

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