My Month Of Blooming! Es54:2

Hail to the Lord!
Hail to the Lord!
Let us cheer for the Lord!
Are we already tired of cheering for the Lord?
Are we aware that we are entering a new week?
Let us praise the King of kings!
Let us bless his Holy Name!
Let us adore him because he is mighty!
Let us lift him up because his greatness is beyond measure!
Let us shout for joy in gratitude!
It is a miracle!
It is a testimony!
It is a blessing!
Our God has worked wonders again!
If we have no reason to celebrate, here is one, beloved!
Some have not been able to wake up like us.
Some are in a deplorable state, but we are alive, whole and well…
If this is not the grace of God, what can it be?
Lord, we praise your faithfulness!
Yaweh, your works are excellent!
For this day, the Lord has chosen a theme that he wants each of us to reflect on.
We are invited to take it seriously and to pray for the church.
Let’s look at what the church has become!
Look at what the body of Christ looks like!
The dwelling place of the Lord has lost its beauty,
of its brightness,
of its assurance…
Everyone wants to assert themselves, everyone wants to take the lead,
no one wants to give way to the lordship of the Father.
We want to work for the ministry as if it were our own.
Jesus is the founder of his church; he promised to build it himself on his truth and in his own way.
Let’s stop trying to help the Lord.
We are heirs of Christ but we do not manage to benefit from our inheritance,
We don’t get to our high places because we don’t trust in the Lord.
We don’t have enough faith to believe in the benefits of Yaya.
In any case, let us remember that in this month Jehovah enlarges the space of the tents in his temple,
he spreads out the blankets of the dwelling of his house,
he lengthens the cords of his church and strengthens his stakes.
This is a sure promise for his congregation too, so let us be at our posts and intercede so that the house of the Lord does not lose its values,
Let us pray that we will not be among those who prevent the glory of God from descending on his sanctuary.
Let us pray that God’s fire will burn on his altar to consume any limitations before us.
Pray for RMI
Ephesians, 4:15 – but that, professing the truth in love, we may grow up in all respects in him who is the head, Christ.
Truth and love go together; they are the fruits of the spirit that represents the Lord.
It is as we practice them in our communities that we will come to know the maturity we need in order to appreciate the blessings of the Lord.
It is not far from God’s presence that we can enjoy his compassion and mercy,
it is by sitting at his feet that the Lord will glorify himself.
Good morning Church!
Have a good day!

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