My Month Of Blooming! Es54:2

Father, we bless you and we exalt you.
This is our last Sunday in September.
It is our last celebration of the month of blossoming.
We are at your feet on this occasion because some of us have not yet received our testimony.
We have come to receive our final instructions from you.
We are in your temple to give you glory for the miracle of life.
We are entering our tenth month and Yaweh, you have been so faithful.
You have been the provider par excellence,
you have been present,
you’ve been an unfailing support.
We praise you for every detail of our lives.
Being within us gives us the courage to step out of our comfort zone.
Remaining within us opens the doors to rest.
On this day of celebration, let us let go of our fears and doubts to connect with your love and let yourself be touched by you.
Yesterday we were sinners of fish and today we are sinners of men.
Yesterday we were the poorest and smallest in our father’s house, and today we are valiant heroes.
Yesterday, we were rejected, abandoned, prisoners, slaves, and today, we are a leader in a foreign land….
What can’t God do?
What history cannot our Lord change?
What destiny can Yaweh not restore?
He is the God of impossible cases.
It is even when the situation is beyond our comprehension that our Yaya stands up last.
He only does what the eye has not seen,
what the ear has not heard,
that which has not yet risen in the heart of man.
He is called Elohim
His name is Sabaoth
His name is El Olam
His name is El Elyon…
He is incredible
He is magnificent
It is magical
He is indestructible…
We tried to equal him but we fell,
We tried to replace him but shame and opprobrium got the better of us.
All this is to tell us that he is incomparable, his equal does not exist,
He is unique and equal to himself.
Let us rely on him alone,
obey only him,
love him alone,
entrust ourselves to him alone.
He is perfect, beloved.
Luke, 1:17 – he will walk before God in the Spirit and in the power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the rebellious to the wisdom of the righteous, that he may prepare for the Lord a people well-disposed.
Honor the God who made your blossoming possible.
The Lord is at work, he is our shepherd and we are his flock.
The Lord not only goes before us, he goes with us.
So let us be at our post and be true worshippers.
Hello church
Good day to you

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