My Month Of Blooming! Es54:2

The blossoming also concerns our nation.
It’s not just about prosperity, it’s also about greatness, stability and maturity.
It is in our interest to pray for our country,
the earth on which we stand must obey our voice,
the sky around us must submit to God’s promises to us.
Very often, we settle in places without clearing the spiritual space and we hope to enjoy the blessings of that place.
In the face of trials, we make choices that are not necessarily in the Lord’s mind.
One day Isaac went to Abimelech in the land of the Philistines, to Gerar, because there was a famine in Israel.
The Lord gave him an instruction, forbidding him to go down to Egypt and dwell in the land he would tell him.
The Lord’s blessings were attached to this order.
And Isaac stayed in Gerar because of the covenant he had with the Lord.
The Bible tells us that it was in this foreign land, with unproductive soil and an unprecedented drought, that Isaac sowed and reaped a hundredfold that year, for the Lord blessed him.
And the man became rich, and grew richer and richer, until he was very rich.
He had flocks and herds and many servants, so the Philistines envied him.
The Lord confounded the wisdom of men; he created harvests where many had failed.
Even the people of that land were jealous of Isaac’s blossoming.
Beloved, let us pray for our land.
Let us ask God to connect us to the best opportunities,
Let us pray to be people who seek God’s will in all circumstances.
Many of us do not savour the glory that the Lord has planned for us because the resistance and contestation in our sphere fight against us.
Let us pray that our nation will receive the word of God so that, like Isaac, we can invest wisely and strategically.
Let us ask God, who allows our country to blossom, to make those who did not know him testify to his greatness and power.
Isaiah, 65:17 – For I will create new heavens and a new earth; and the former things shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.
Pray for your country.
When the Lord brings order to a country, when he arranges and makes innovations, we rejoice to see a radical transformation, there are new spiritual governmental powers that God has destined to rule the new world of righteousness.
And we have no memory of the old things.
Father, we give you all the glory.
Hello church
Good day to you

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