My Month Of Delivrance! Rom10:13

Many of us panic when we hear about deliverance.
No need to be afraid, no need to be ashamed, deliverance is real.
We may be in the grip of pride, lust or ignorance…we need deliverance.
A church that refuses deliverance is also a church that refuses miracles.
Mark, 16:17 – These are the signs that will follow those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues;
Pray to manifest the miracles that the new birth brings.
Let us rise up and proclaim!
Rise up and confess!
Rise up in faith!
Rise up and declare!
Our faith must be activated.
Miracles accompany us because Jesus is with us and in us.
We cannot be accompanied by God’s miracles without being accompanied by God himself.
When we walk, miracles are available.
When we face difficulties, miracles happen.
When illness weakens us, miracles are possible.
Beloved, we have the power to reject all demonic influence and to proclaim victory in Jesus.
It is a privilege and a responsibility that God gives us to fight and to bring the light of truth.
Today’s verse should make us realise that miracles are not something special for God’s children, for those who believe in Jesus.
It is the lack of knowledge that makes God’s children pay for miracles, or even travel for deliverance.
The new birth gives access to miracles and we must stop being fascinated by them.
Miracles are for the qualified.
Here are the miracles how topical!
This promise is not limited in time or era.
It is now,
It is today.
If we have faith, we automatically have deliverance.
The first miracle is the power of the name of Jesus. We have the power to throw out any spirit that persecutes us.
And the second miracle is the mystery of access to the tongues of angels, of speaking in the spirit.
Let us proclaim the authority of Christ hidden in his name to influence the nations and possess our inheritance.
The grace of God overflows, the authority of the Lord has no opening or closing time.
To believe in the Lord is to activate his presence.
In his presence, there are deliverances and evidences.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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