My Month Of Delivrance! Rom10:13

This is a new day that you offer us, Lord.
We thank you for your presence that never ceases to accompany us,
we thank you for your glory, which shines down on us all the time to bless us.
We are grateful because you are the true and good shepherd.
It is your voice that is better and of higher quality.
It is your way that gives life and resurrects all that was dead.
It is your truth that has triumphed over the world.
That’s why you are the perfect example.
You are our comforter and our refuge.
We have all found our security in you.
Thank you Yaweh for this grace.
This morning you made an important point,
you emphasise something that has been neglected,
you call us to be vigilant and alert.
And you recommend that we pray for our pastors.
At a time like this, it’s an instruction we really need to consider, because many of us have entrusted our lives into the hands of men of God who themselves have no bearings, no vision, no direction.
We think that being leaders prevents us from seeking their deliverance,
we see them as saints,
they also show us the image of accomplished, stable, balanced people, yet …. they also need help.
Lord, teach us to pray for our elders, teach us to see them as vulnerable people who also depend on the source that you are.
Do we know how many parents have claims on their lives and are unable to deploy themselves in their ministries?
The Bible tells us about Elizabeth and Zechariah, people of integrity who feared God,
They served all their lives and had no children.
There was one thing they lacked to be socially complete, and that was a void,
humiliation, but they didn’t give up,
They continued to trust in the Lord and one day the Lord remembered them.
How many anointed ones are in a similar situation?
How many pastors have blockages for which they pray for others and they are answered?
We all need deliverance, even our parents.
God must rescue them from limitation and opprobrium.
Pray for your pastors.
Luke, 4:32 – They were amazed at his teaching, for he spoke with authority.
The Lord’s teaching astounds us,
inspires admiration, impresses us.
The problem is not the doctrine, the teaching, but the teacher.
It is not the words but the spirit that emanates from what is said.
It is not the pastor but the authority, the power with which he operates.
Nothing resists the presence of our Lord.
At the mention of his name, every knee bends and every tongue confesses.
So where the power of the Lord is invoked, deliverance is bound to take place.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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