My Month Of Laughter! Es8:16

We must learn to praise and thank the Lord.
Gratitude is the secret of a living heart for the Lord.
When the Lord highlights a victory in our lives
we want to tell people about it,
we want people to know that our God is faithful,
we want everyone to experience our Elohim.
That’s what happened with the Samaritan woman, she met Jesus, the conversation that was light became interesting, deep because Jesus, you spoke to her about her identity and gave her what she really needed.
He taught her about true intimacy with him and the woman who was a prostitute, a commoner, became an evangelist.
She went to share the testimony in her village and brought many to repentance.
Beloved, the testimony Christ gives us must not remain hidden,
it must be spread,
it must serve others,
it must encourage and motivate.
When we bear witness, we celebrate the hand of the Lord that has acted.
When we lift up the name of the Lord, we acknowledge that we trust in him.
When we glorify the Lord, we surrender ourselves into his hands.
In any case, on this day of celebration
on this day of worship
we are invited to run to the house of the Lord to tell what he has done in our lives.
Psalms, 126:2 – Then our mouths were filled with shouts of joy, and our tongues with songs of rejoicing; then it was said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them!
Celebrate the Lord with your brothers and sisters for your testimonies.
When the joy of the Lord overflows, we only want to give praise to the Lord.
The nations have their customs, their laws, their cultures, their histories, their projects… but they are all called to celebrate the Lord.
We must give our God his rightful place.
So let’s be free in the temple, let’s jump and dance for our God without restraint.
Good morning to you all
Good day to you

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