My Month Of Humility! Matt18:4

When humility is the order of the day, everyone needs to look in the mirror.
At the slightest opportunity, we lose ourselves, we turn away from God’s will, we want to judge,
we want to complain.
Always ready to deny the Lord’s help,
Always ready to look on anxiously,
Always ready to let doubt and fear take hold of us and make us foolish and unbelieving.
How long will we stand still?
How long will we continue to compare ourselves with our God?
Today is Sunday,
the Lord’s day, our day of celebration.
Let’s not go to our places of worship out of boredom, let’s go because we expect God, let’s go because we want God’s touch,
let us go because we want to be sprinkled with fresh oil.
In our expectations, let us have attitudes that honour the Lord.
Let us open our hearts to our Jesus.
Let us take a stance that makes us aware of our weaknesses, our shortcomings, our inadequacies…
Let us challenge ourselves and let God strip us of our old clothes, let Yaweh break the power of pride that keeps us from seeing his glory.
So beloved, we are in church to worship his holy name.
Worship is a feeling of love,
it’s a moment of submission,
it’s about entering into a relationship with God…
And for that, we have to be on our knees, we have to lie down,
we have to surrender ourselves,
we have to forget ourselves,
we have to throw ourselves at the foot of the cross.
It is he who changes,
he is the one who strengthens,
he is the healer,
he is the one who restores…
So let’s sit down and see if the Lord doesn’t make our enemies our footstool.
Psalms, 95:6 – Come, let us bow down and humble ourselves. Let us bow the knee to the Lord, our Maker!
Prostrate yourself to worship the Lord.
Let us come together, we are all invited to dance and sing for God, let us meet in God’s presence to repent,
to implore God’s mercy, and to disappear so that Jesus can take his place and reign forever in our lives.
Have a good day

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