My Month Of Humility! Matt18:4

If we are wise, let us put on the garment of humility this year.
Is it easy to be humiliated and still ask for forgiveness? No.
Is it acceptable to suffer injustice all day long? No.
Do we have to keep on loving when we are hurt and disappointed? Yes.
Humility means dying, killing your flesh,
it means forgiving,
it means refusing to allow your ego to express itself…
Is that hypocrisy, no.
It’s breaking…
It’s letting Jesus tear away the old man in us,
it’s letting the Lord strip us,
emptying us of a system of thought rooted in us.
It hurts, very much so…
It’s a habit we need to develop every day.
Friends, it’s not easy to be humble…
On our own, it’s dead, it’s impossible, and that’s why we have to call on the Almighty.
If we do not cry out for his help, we will fall…
Let’s look at John the Baptist,
he didn’t have two messages,
he didn’t have two revelations,
he didn’t have two words,
just the message of repentance, but Jesus said there was no one like him.
A man like that, appreciated by Jesus,
praised by heaven, always thought that he was not worthy to untie Jesus’ shoes.
What humility!
With all this grace, it’s not easy to work in someone’s shadow, but John the Baptist did it.
He took up his cross,
he renounced his reason, he laid down his reputation,
he detached himself from the gaze of men and looked to God.
He was criticised and misunderstood, but he knew that his mission was to clear the way for the one who was greater, stronger and more powerful than he.
People say that we are weak and useless when we are humble, but God thinks otherwise.
Humility leads us to give back to God what he has given us and which costs us dearly.
Humility is renunciation,
We love heights so much,
the scene,
the views…
we always want to give the impression of having achieved something, but at the end of the day, humility means sitting at your feet and letting yourself be taught, it means being in the palm of your hand, Dad.
Then this fruit that only emanates from your heaven must be poured out on us.
We want a touch of humility from you, Yaya.
We want to drink your water,
we want to stay at your source.
That’s where the light comes from.
Proverbs, 22:4 – The fruit of humility, the fear of the Lord, is wealth, glory and life.
Fast and pray to see the fruit of humility in your life.
Life, glory and wisdom are attached to humility and the fear of God.
Humility opens the door to abundance.
It locates us if we are well disposed.
So let’s sit well, we need a good dose of courage to consume this fruit but it is God who is glorified in the end.
Hello hello
Have a good day

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