My Month Of Humility! Matt18:4

Lord, we want to thank you for all the love you continue to show us.
We want to thank you for your presence that accompanies us every day.
Thank you for your faithfulness in this season, you are the one who strengthens us when we are discouraged.
Receive all the glory, Father.
You are without equal and your power is authentic.
This morning, we are at your feet to beg you to break the chains of gossip that you have long reproached us for.
Gossip is backbiting,
it’s the spreading of secrets, rumours, scandals…
Every day, we are immersed in this vice,
we’re always telling others about the latest news.
Sometimes we say we’re just listening, but we’re just as involved as those who are talking and those who are being talked about.
Gossip is the lack of discipline of our tongues.
We do it to boast sometimes, to feel superior, and it’s a lack of love.
And women are the champions, especially widows.
They are idle, talkative and indiscreet,
they go round each other’s houses repeating information and distorting situations.
Gossip causes quarrels and divisions.
How many friendships have we broken over a misunderstanding caused by gossip?
Gossipers always minimise the seriousness of their sins, they are liars, always denying everything and finding excuses to justify themselves, they never admit they are wrong and always accuse others.
Storytellers always add details, lies to spice up their stories and get good reactions.
Beloved, let us grow in love, in kindness towards others.
Instead of our mouths blessing and uplifting others
they take it upon themselves to denigrate, to do damage by speaking ill of others.
In any case, let’s be careful not to fall into sin.
The Lord abhors it.
Titus, 3:1 – Remind them to be subject to rulers and authorities, to obey, to be ready for every good work,
Titus, 3:2 – not to speak evil of anyone, to be peaceful, moderate, and gentle with all men.
Pray that you will not be subject to gossip.
Let us honour our authorities and above all beware of making unhealthy comments that destroy our lives and our destinies.
We must be people who bring peace, gentleness, who put out the fire that burns and who are careful in their words.
We must be respectful in what we say.
Love does no harm to its neighbour.
Hello home
Have a nice day

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