My Month Of Humility! Matt18:4

Lord, once again, thank you.
Thank you for your unfailing presence in our lives.
Thank you for your word this morning that reminds us to love others as ourselves.
This word that comes as if to put our emotions and feelings in order.
We always tend to make time for the people we love,
We want to do good for those close to us,
We want to be with people who pay the same attention.
As long as it suits us, we’re in line.
We have a nasty habit of assigning value according to our interests, appearances…
we measure the dignity of others according to their social position,
we base our choices and opinions on what our eyes have seen.
Sometimes we even think we can do without others,
We think we are too intelligent or too rich to rub shoulders with others.
Our society dictates how we judge and accept others, our environment forces us to develop individualism and selfishness.
We think of ourselves, we live for ourselves,
After us, it’s nothing at all.
No one to help us stay on the right path,
No one to support us in difficult times.
We no longer know fidelity or loyalty.
We just want to take up all the space.
But Jesus shows us his vision of things,
He teaches us to be humble and to have lots of love.
And one day, while he was doing his work, a man, the head of the sinagogue, came and threw himself at his feet, begging him insistently to come and save his only twelve-year-old daughter.
Jesus asked no questions, gave no conditions, but decided to follow him.
He changed his programme to help,
He paused in his work to reach out his hand,
He stops everything for the love of his neighbour.
He gives all his attention to Jairus,
he gives him his time,
he gives him his word.
Is this not a great proof of humility and love?
Jesus does not feel any better than Jairus,
he doesn’t give himself glory,
he has compassion and just wants to do good.
Philippians, 2:3 – Do nothing out of partiality or vainglory, but let humility cause you to regard others as above yourselves.
Values others.
This is forbidden and let’s take it seriously, let’s not do something to make ourselves look good,
to show that we do it better or to curry favour with the world.
But let’s learn to appreciate others,
to rejoice in their talents,
to acknowledge their qualities and to value them.
That’s what God expects of us, his children.
So, we who have despised others or who tend to humiliate and belittle others,
let us change our mentality, let us move forward in this season with love and humility.
May our eyes be lit up with joy for our neighbour.
Have a good day

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