My Month Of Humility! Matt18:4

Lord, we are happy to be in a new week.
Thank you for surrounding us with love and grace.
We come with a heart of gratitude to recognise that without you by our side, we will be without direction, without purpose, without vision…
Your presence alone sets us apart and makes us realise that we are the chosen ones.
Eternal One, with you we have value,
we are not just anyone, you have filled us with skills, testimonies, achievements, resources…
And we haven’t always known how to take things into account, we’ve become puffed up with pride along the way.
Our self-esteem led us astray,
we began to cultivate a sense of independence,
we began to feel superior.
We began to put our trust in what we had and failed to give you the glory so that you would continue to bless us.
Hezekiah was struck down by a fatal illness, he implored the Lord who healed him and added fifteen years to his life.
Hezekiah therefore knew the exact year of his death and had to put his affairs in order.
But the Bible says that after the Lord restored him, he was completely healed.
The son of the king of Babylon sent him a letter and a present to express his joy at his recovery from a serious illness.
The word of God tells us that God has forsaken Hezekiah,
He wanted to see exactly what was in his heart,
He tested him with another trial.
Hezekiah was flattered by the attentions of the king’s son and opened the doors of his wealth to him,
He showed him everything, hiding nothing of what was in his house, without knowing that he was being tested.
For Hezekiah, it was marvellous that people were interested in him and his health and rejoiced at his recovery, yet it was pride and self-esteem that had invaded his heart.
Beloved, we must learn from this man’s life and keep our eyes fixed on the Lord.
Let us be humble and submit to God.
Being attached to Yaweh, we will overcome every kind of trial because his spirit accompanies us.
Romans, 12:16 – Be like-minded toward one another. Do not aspire to what is high, but be attracted by what is lowly. Do not be wise in your own eyes.
Pray that you don’t have too much self-esteem.
Let us have the spirit of God.
Let us think like him,
Love one another as he does.
Look on others as equals,
stop giving consideration to others based on their social status.
We need others,
no one is self-sufficient.
Let’s open our hearts, our minds and our arms to welcome each person as they are.
So let us lay down our pride, which keeps God at bay, and allow the King of kings to be gracious to us in this season.
Have a good day

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