My Month Of Humility! Matt18:4

Elimelech went to the land of Moab with his wife Naomi and their two sons because of the famine.
They stayed there, but Naomi’s husband Elimelech died and later his two sons.
Naomi stayed with her two beautiful daughters, Ruth and Orpah.
When Naomi heard that the Lord had visited her people and given them bread, she returned to the land of Judah.
Naomi set them free and told them to go and make a new life for themselves.
His daughters-in-law refused, but Naomi insisted.
Orpah left and Ruth became attached to Naomi, her mother-in-law.
*Ruth said, “Don’t press me to leave you, to go away from you! Where you go, I will go; where you dwell, I will dwell; your people shall be my people, and your God shall be my God.
*I will die where you die, and be buried there. May the LORD deal harshly with me, if anything but death separates me from you!
The Bible tells us that Ruth remained submissive to Naomi, asking her permission to go and glean in Boaz’s field.
Ruth left everything behind, her parents, her country, to go to a people she had never met before.
She trusted her mother-in-law,
she believed in her mother-in-law’s God,
She was not ashamed, knowing that if she clung to the Lord, he would reward her.
Ruth was humble, she did not see her work as begging but rather as work.
When Ruth humbled herself, the Lord lifted her up.
She eventually married Boaz and became the owner of the fields.
Ruth loved Naomi, her mother-in-law,
she took care of her,
she agreed to put herself under her authority.
And that’s what the Lord is asking us to do today.
Ask the Lord to surround you with humble people.
Proverbs, 16:19 – It is better to be humble with the humble than to share the spoils with the proud.
It’s better to be with people who share the same identity as we do than to get caught up in pointless problems.
Our question is: are we really humble then?
Have a nice day

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