My Month Of Strengthening! Ps125:1

They brought Joseph down to Egypt, and Potiphar, Pharaoh’s officer and chief guard, an Egyptian, bought him from the Ishmaelites who had brought him down there.
The Lord was with him, and prosperity followed him, and he lived in the house of his master, the Egyptian.
His master saw that the Lord was with him, and that the Lord made everything he did prosper in his hands.
Joseph found favour in the eyes of his master, and he employed him in his service, and set him over his house, and entrusted to him all that he possessed.
As soon as Potiphar had put him in charge of his house and all that he had, the Lord blessed the Egyptian’s house for Joseph’s sake; and the blessing of the Lord was on all that he had, whether in the house or in the field.
He left everything he had in Joseph’s hands, and he had nothing to do with him but to take his food. Now Joseph was handsome in stature and handsome in countenance.
Joseph was a source of blessing for the house of Potiphar.
Because Joseph trusted in the Lord, the blessing was always available.
Imagine a Christian, a child of God working with non-believers who are connected to vain things.
For us to succeed in dominating and establishing our identity in a place, we must depend totally on the Lord.
Joseph had a relationship with the Lord, his heart was submitted to the word of God and for this reason the Lord allowed him to increase his authority and influence.
Potiphar discerned that Joseph had a certain anointing, a different energy, a strong grace, he understood that he could use this spiritual atmosphere to strengthen his kingdom, he was aware that the Lord was with Joseph.
We urge ourselves to have intimacy with Yaweh, to put our trust in him because the Lord is our refuge.
When we are rooted in the Lord, we have privileges.
Joseph was a slave and a servant,
his place should have been in the fields, but he ended up in his master’s house.
When we are attached to the word of God, happiness and grace accompany us.
When the hand of the Lord is upon our lives, we carry the fragrance of blessing and prosperity.
Others are drawn in and witness the light of God in our lives.
Because of Joseph’s love for the Lord, everything worked out for him,
he impacted those around him and multiplied everything he touched.
Psalms 90:17 – The grace of the LORD our God be upon us. Strengthen the work of our hands, Yes, strengthen the work of our hands!
Pray for the strengthening of the works of your hands.
Like Joseph, we must entrust our work to God, so that the work of our hands may achieve great things.
We must place everything we do in the Lord’s hands so that he can strengthen, confirm and bless it.
Our responsibility to achieve glory is to put our trust in the Lord.
Our stability, our security, our well-being are controlled by the Lord alone.
And if we want to keep our works prosperous, we must remain attached to the one who has our destinies in his hands.
Lord, we are not up to it,
we’re not sure of the results, but we’re clinging to your feet to receive a special oil.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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