My Month Of Proclamation! Deut32:3

In this world full of division and frustration, our God nevertheless advises us in the midst of it all that we must be bearers of peace.
We are not going to allow ourselves to be moulded by the world’s system with its laws and low blows.
When we look around us, families are torn apart, relationships are broken,
couples are bruised,
always quarrelling and stressed, always worrying…
And when the Lord tells us not to worry about anything, it’s because he knows that worries take away our peace,
prevent us from sleeping,
give us illnesses…
If our peace is stolen from us, what will we have left?
What will we give to others if it’s only bitterness?
So here is the Lord’s advice and even a command: let us be agents of peace.
Let us make things easier for our neighbours,
let us be links in the chain of reconciliation.
Let us no longer allow the devil to manipulate our churches,
to inject his venom into our hearts to crumble our inner calm, the tranquility of our soul.
And we should know that we can never be peacemakers if we do not have faith in Jesus, if Jesus, who is the source of peace and the guarantee of joy, is not our ally.
We need him to lift us out of fear and anxiety, to restore our serenity so that we can communicate it to others.
The Lord has given us a gift,
he has given us and left us his peace, so we are the peacemakers,
we are children of peace because we imitate our Father and influence those around us with this peaceful fragrance that we have received.
Let’s keep the peace no matter what the circumstances.
Acts, 10:36 – He sent the word to the children of Israel, preaching peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all.
Be a bearer of peace.
Jesus himself proclaimed the good news to the children of Israel.
Jesus, who is merciful and compassionate, offered deliverance and restoration to all those in need,
saving many from desperate situations.
He forgave, comforted and healed many, reconciling them with the kingdom of God.
Beloved, we are invited to make peace and to be witnesses to the word of God.
Hello everyone
Good day

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