My Month Of Proclamation! Deut32:3

We dance when we have a victory,
We’re so happy when good news finds us,
We throw parties to celebrate our happiness,
We want the acclaim of others because we feel capable, but very often we leave God out of our glories.
Our thanksgiving is not addressed to him as a priority; we honour our abilities and the people who accompany us,
We even give gifts to some people to cement our gratitude, but we never think of God’s offering.
Do we know that all these things are possible because the hand of the Lord has intervened?
Do we know that the finger of the Lord has made our path easier?
Do we realise that Yaweh’s grace has fallen upon us?
How many times have we planned a programme where God is at the centre from beginning to end?
How often have we planned a reception where everyone is there to hear about the wonders and miracles the Lord has worked in our lives?
We talk about God as we pass our seats,
We thank him quickly and move on because we’re afraid that our audience will get bored and say that it’s all God in our mouths.
We are quick to please Men rather than satisfy God’s heart.
Beloved, we are in the season of proclamation,
it is a counsel, a command even, that the Lord gives to all his children to speak the gospel,
to spread the word of God,
to make known the good news of Jesus.
So if we look at our everyday lives
we will see all that the Lord does to season our lives and we will tell of it to give him all the glory.
This morning, the Lord urges us to celebrate him.
Psalms, 105:1 – Praise the LORD, call on his name! Make his mighty acts known among the peoples.
Let your celebration of the Lord be known to all.
Praise is an expression of gratitude.
A joyful heart is always ready to express its joy to others.
To call upon his name is to call his name aloud.
It is an audible prayer.
We call on God because we need his intervention,
we need to draw fresh water from his source in order to bear witness to his strength, his faithfulness and his love.
To speak of the Lord’s works, we must first know them and touch them so that others can embrace the greatness of our Daddy.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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