My Month Of Justice! Mal4:2

Grace does not mean that everything is permitted.
Galatians, 2:21 – I do not reject the grace of God, for if righteousness is by law, then Christ died in vain.
Blessed is the Lord, who bestows his righteousness has healed you.
Paul reminds the Galatians that justification and righteousness do not come from keeping the Old Testament law.
On the contrary, salvation and our righteousness come only through faith in Jesus Christ, a truth taught by Paul.
In Paul’s day, when someone was found guilty in court, he could be declared righteous by the judge only after paying the full debt for his offence.
But our debt as sinners is impossible to repay because it requires us to make a perfect sacrifice, something we cannot do.
Jesus paid the whole debt for us.
He doesn’t just take on our debt, he also continues to work after salvation.
Have we ever struggled trying to obey all the commandments to please God, when we should just let Christ live in us?
We need to understand that God’s love secures us and restores our rights and above all fights for us.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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