My Month Of Justice! Mal4:2

How many times have we let ourselves be seduced by the apparent beauty of the world?
How many times have we allowed ourselves to be lured by the defilements of the world, ready to indulge in prostitution?
How often are we manipulated by the world around us?
When the Lord says something, we’re the ones who think we have another way around it. God is already one step ahead of us; he knows exactly what awaits us when we change direction.
The world would have us believe that everything is manageable,
that we should eat life by the scruff of the neck, that we have access to everything, that’s what Egypt tells us.
But God has clearly warned us, as long as we deal with unbelief, as long as we dabble too much in sin,
as long as we take risks that are beyond our control, we will pay the price, no more.
We are not on a negotiating table, God has already said.
If we see that we are not going to abide by the rules, let us quietly accept to remain in servitude, to be slaves.
Samson was the son of servants, he knew that God had principles, he was aware that if we want to stay on a certain course, we also have to be careful about our choices and our decisions.
Samson knew that to avoid being distracted by the world, to limit the damage that can engulf our destinies,
certain associations were not to be allowed.
And one of the things the Lord forbids is not to associate with the wrong seeds.
The Bible tells us that Samson went down to Gaza, saw a prostitute there and went into her house.
Samson went down a dangerous path, ignoring the Lord’s prohibition.
Samson’s parents warned him, they warned him, but he spoke of love, that the woman was going to accompany him to Christian meetings and that she was going to be converted…
Beloved, how can we envisage a life together without sharing what is most important to us from the outset?
Who will influence the other’s choices?
How can we be together with different priorities and interests?
With time, the other person will not go to church with us because he will have other interests and what is likely to happen is that we, as children of God, will distance ourselves from the faith and from our Christian friends and gradually our Bibles will no longer be at our bedside because we will have put them away in a drawer.
Let’s not delude ourselves, the people of the world easily drag us into the world, they have more influence over us than we have over them.
Neglect of the Holy Scriptures is costly, even fatal.
Instead of helping us, it hides a trap.
2 Corinthians, 6:14 – Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what has righteousness to do with iniquity? Or what has light to do with darkness?
Separate yourself from harmful companions since you are born again.
The unbelievers are those who have no true faith, those who walk by sight, those who refuse to serve the Lord, the foolish, the senseless…
A foreign yoke condemnations, curses, worldly limitations…
This association involves danger and suffering.
There is a difference and the Lord himself says that he has confirmed the difference between those who serve him and those who do not.
So let us leave the scene, the consequences are disastrous, and let us trust in the Lord.
Our identity in Christ is the best thing on earth.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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