My Month Of Justice! Mal4:2

Again this morning, we are at your feet, Lord.
We have come to celebrate the true.
We have come to bow down before all the authority that you are,
We want to tell you, Lord, this morning that we love you,
We want to bless your name for your love and for your protection.
We are so grateful, Father.
Help us to follow you,
Teach us your ways,
Allow us to sit at your feet in humility to connect,
Open our rebellious hearts to you, Yaweh.
We call ourselves your children but worries still rule our lives,
We say we are imitators of Christ but we fail to have firm faith in your word.
We find ourselves in situations where you are with us but we are not safe,
we think we must die,
we become restless,
we look for solutions elsewhere, yet you are present, yet you are there.
Another time, we wanted to be your examples, Eternal One.
We thought we could do as you do,
we thought that your presence was our guarantee for the next level, but each time, we let ourselves be seized by hesitation.
Dad, you gave us the opportunity to walk on water like you, but we marked the blessing,
fear has prevented us from etching our names in history.
And all the time, fear keeps us from grace.
It’s a weapon the enemy uses to paralyse and abort our destinies.
Fear leads to failure, fear of paying the price,
fear of failing,
fear of giving,
fear of criticism,
fear of illness,
fear of falling into sin…
Fear stops us from trying again and standing out.
Beloved, if we don’t face our fears, we won’t be able to access our next levels,
we will find it difficult to go to the higher places.
Fear prevents us from realising ourselves and thinking big.
That’s not what the Lord wants from us. He wants us to be courageous, strong and firm.
For this day, here is what the Lord tells us in Isaiah 41:10 – Fear not, for I am with thee: be not dismayed, for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee, I will help thee: I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
Banish fear from your life!
We are often afraid of the future and what will become of us, but Jesus reminds us that if God feeds the birds of the air, how much more will he provide for his children?
God tells us not to be afraid of being alone, of being too weak,
of not being heard or of lacking the necessities of life.
These are the words of encouragement from the Lord himself, who has come to reassure us that his love and presence are with us every day of our lives.
So, a word of advice for today: let’s let go of fear and let Jesus be glorified in our lives.
Good morning to you all
have a good day

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