My Month Of Accountability! Luke16:10

We all want top positions in our churches, we want everyone to know that we are involved in service.
We want to be recognised in our work because we feel we are more valuable in the eyes of others.
We just want to say to ourselves this morning that God’s work is a whole and we have to make sure we do our work well, we have to satisfy the Lord first before even thinking about any recognition.
That’s a bit of what holds us back in our ministries,
We can’t connect with our blessings because we think that cleaning up the church is less important than singing for the glory of God.
We think that the one who intercedes is less important than the one who preaches.
Let’s just know that this is the body of Christ and that everyone contributes to the advancement of God’s work.
We just want to tell ourselves that we want God to be lifted up high so we get involved.
Let’s stop comparing ourselves in ministry,
no one is superior to the other, we are just one.
1 Corinthians, 3:8 – He who plants and he who waters are equal, and each will receive his own reward according to his own work.
Pray to stay focused on your work, without comparing yourself to others.
The planter and the waterer are one and the same.
They are one and the same. Planting or watering is the same thing, both tasks are equal.
It is God who does the important work.
It is God who gives growth.
It is God who holds the end of all our undertakings.
It is he who always puts the finishing touches to success, to fruit. None of us, through our efforts and sacrifices, can guarantee the positive outcome of our actions.
It is always God who makes things grow.
This verse calls us all to humility.
All servants are equal in God’s eyes, whatever their ministry or mission.
It is only at the time of reward, when each person’s work will be judged by the Lord,
that they will discover the value of the treasures they have amassed with the Father.
Let us never forget that whatever we do or think we are, our brother is our equal in the eyes of God, on whom we depend.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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