My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

The Bible tells us that the end of a thing is better than its beginning.
It’s when we’ve worked hard,
we’ve cleared the way, we’ve sown the seeds and when the time comes to reap,
when abundance is just around the corner,
that’s when we rejoice in our efforts.
It is when we have prayed, fasted,
served the Lord,
brought our tithes and offerings and begun to release the fruits of our sacrifices that we blow.
The Samaritan woman was a foreigner.
In the eyes of all, she was a prostitute, she was unstable and had no identity but when the Lord met her and gave her his living water,
her life was a testimony to many.
The woman with the blood loss had lost all hope,
She was expecting to die soon, but the touch of Jesus’ garment made all the difference, and today she is a beacon of faith.
It was at the end of the sound of the trumpet and the loud cries that the wall of Jericho fell…
It is the end of the month of revival,
if we have obeyed the Lord,
if we have respected the commandments, we will be more vigilant and more warned.
In any case, for those who have understood the lesson of the month,
let us be more alert and ready to serve the Lord,
Let us be zealous and fervent.
Let us not be like the foolish virgins who were negligent,
they had no foresight,
They didn’t take their meeting with the bridegroom seriously, and they weren’t responsible.
The Lord expects us to be more sensitive, more diligent, more alert.
Luke, 12:35 – Let your loins be girded and your lamps burning.
Pray to stay awake and ready at all times.
Let’s stay connected to Christ.
We must be ready. Jesus must not find us asleep or busy with evil works.
Let’s keep our lamps burning,
let us have a positive testimony,
let’s influence the world.
How many of our lamps go out because of darkness?
How many of our lamps remain useless and without oil?
On this day, let us not lose sight of the fact that God’s light must constantly shine within us and keep us focused on the work of the cross.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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