My Month Of Integrity! Ps119:1

We need to be imitators of Christ, and that’s easier said than done.
In any case, when we have genuine admiration for someone, don’t we want to be like them?
We even unconsciously seek to imitate them.
All children want to be like their parents, and shouldn’t we, as disciples, feel the same way about our Lord?
We do so many things that do not reflect Christ in our lives,
we fall,
we get discouraged,
we give up,
we condemn ourselves, we fail…
God knows that we can’t be like him with a wave of a magic wand, it’s progressive.
Imitating Christ is not about having religious habits,
it’s not just going to church on Sundays… and that’s why we have to ask ourselves what are we doing to become more like God?
Are we in faith to hope for a better life?
Becoming more like the Lord is not just about being kind, merciful, generous to people in our families,
our friends,
our nationality,
our race…
it means being willing to do good whenever the opportunity arises,
whenever someone needs help.
Philippians, 2:5 – Have in you the same mind that was in Christ Jesus,
Pray to be more like Jesus Christ.
think like Jesus, love others as he does,
have his spirit within us.
Having the feelings that were in Christ will require us to renounce ourselves and our old life.
It means having respect, submission and love for our neighbour,
it means giving up things that are not in accordance with our nature.
God wants us to be in his image and likeness.
Hello there
Have a nice day

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