My Month Of Blooming! Es54:2

Lord, there’s nothing like your presence and your love.
Every day with you is so impressive,
you make us understand every time that our faith doesn’t have to be unshakeable,
You never cease to make us realise that nothing should prevent us from living your obvious truths.
Yes, trials come.
Yes, adversity shakes us, but we must not give up,
We must endure, even if it’s unfair.
Jesus accepted suffering to serve as an example to us as disciples.
If we were asked if we could accept the work of the cross,
we would surely say yes, but there are many of us who want the risen Jesus rather than the crucified Jesus.
We refuse to endure the slightest disturbance, we become discouraged when tribulation persists.
Jesus was crucified on the cross in our place.
He gave his life for us.
His precious blood was shed for the forgiveness of our sins.
Christ also suffered FOR us, but he left us an EXAMPLE, so that we might follow in his footsteps.
We cannot follow Jesus without denying ourselves and taking up our own cross.
A cross is everything that is against our will,
anything that displeases our fallen nature.
By learning to die to ourselves, we let Jesus live in us.
To follow him is to live as he lived, with all that this entails in terms of humility, compassion, love, grace and every other divine virtue.
Renouncing oneself means forgetting the so-called right to plan one’s life and recognising the Lordship of Christ in every area of our existence.
Taking up our cross means voluntarily choosing the same way of life as Jesus.
Having Jesus as our model is a process of permanent conversion, a process of going through the cross and the resurrection.
It simply means living, because life is a journey,
It’s true that it’s uncomfortable and demanding.
But to renounce oneself is to love one’s neighbour as Jesus has loved us.
1 Peter, 2:21 – To this you were called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his footsteps,
Pray that you will Always have what is good as your model.
The fact that the Lord has borne with us and justified us in spite of our sorrows should be our motivation to follow in his footsteps and give back to others what we have seen him do, so that we can be ambassadors of peace in the body of Christ.
Good day to you
Good day to you

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