My Month Of Blooming! Es54:2

Lord, a new day has dawned and we are rejoicing.
You have worked another miracle.
To be standing is a grace.
Being alive is a testimony.
It’s just that we take everything for granted,
we think it’s normal,
it’s a right, yet it’s a favour that the Lord has granted us.
Let’s look around us, the wickedness has reached its peak but we would like to tell ourselves that the God who heard the cries of his people from heaven and intervened is still alive.
We want to be sure that the God we worship is merciful and compassionate,
He is always ready to prove his faithfulness to us.
We are the champions in the face of adversity, saying that if God could work a sign or a miracle, we would serve him and believe in him.
When God demonstrated his omnipotence to the Israelites, they did not hesitate to be disobedient and rebellious despite the miracles he had performed.
Jesus always does miracles but we turn our backs on him,
We may be amazed for a while, but the first time something unexpected happens, our faith wavers.
It is possible to experience the miracle if we let Jesus into our lives,
if we let him sit in our hearts,
if we let him live in our homes.
Doubting doesn’t help us, being afraid doesn’t help us.
Let us put our trust in him in whom we have found refuge.
Let us love him with all our strength and all our thoughts.
Let us lift up his holy name for all that it is.
His love is genuine,
His promises to us are complete,
His protection is certain,
His Lordship is invincible.
If only we could learn to humble ourselves and acknowledge his sovereignty.
If only we could invite him and let him lead us according to his will,
we would surely be the workers of the last hour.
And for that, we bless you for all the privileges you give us.
Teach us the virtues that resonate within you, disconnect us from the selfishness that prevents us from loving as you do.
Psalms, 77:15 – You are the God who works wonders; you have shown your power among the peoples.
Exalt the God who still works wonders.
The Lord is on his throne,
what you did yesterday, you can still do.
You are still the same, so all we have to do is put our faith in you.
You are still able to clear a path through the sea or heal us of our infirmities.
Let’s remember his word and hold on to it.
Hello there
Good day to you

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