My Month Of Blooming! Es54:2

We are all called to do good works, but when we look around us
we realise with sadness that doing good is not for everyone.
Doing good is a grace,
it’s a courageous act, daring in the context in which we find ourselves.
First of all, we all want to make sure that tomorrow is guaranteed before we open our doors,
Everyone wants to be recognised when they are generous,
No one is prepared to make sacrifices for others.
We live in a society of every man for himself, God for all, and we’re comfortable brandishing our capitalism without heeding divine instructions.
Moses abandoned his wife and children to devote himself to the work of the Lord.
He had many reasons to backslide, but he stood firm and continued to intercede for his people.
God performed miracles and wonders in the midst of Israel, but the people remained unbelieving.
At the slightest difficulty, Israel wept and wanted to return to Egypt.
And one day, despite the Lord’s love for them
they no longer wanted God as their protector and King and decided to appoint a leader.
Disappointed by the contempt and rejection of these people, God chose to step aside and destroy them.
The Bible tells us that Moses again stood in the gap to beg the Lord for forgiveness.
He reminded God of all that the Egyptians would say and believe that God was powerless and incapable.
Moses had reason to be discouraged and self-focused, but he continued to do good,
performed acts of love for his brothers and sisters.
Good deeds open our heaven and allowed Moses to see the glory of God.
Deuteronomy, 33:11 – Bless his strength, O Lord! Accept the work of his hands. Break the backs of his adversaries, and let his enemies rise no more.
Pray that all those who flight agaist your blossoming may perish.
We must let the Lord approve our ways,
it is he who gives us the ability to accomplish.
Let us be of service to others,
discern God’s will,
let us be ready to redouble our commitment to God.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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