My Month Of Blooming! Es54:2

Uzziah must die!
Uzziah is the enemy of our progress,
they are the obstacles to our elevation, the difficulties that stand in our way.
For us to shine, Uzziah must absolutely fall.
The Bible says that it was after the death of King Uzziah that Isaiah looked up and saw the glory and the splendour of God.
Uzziah was king at sixteen, proving to everyone that you can count on a young man.
He did many good things during his reign.
He gave independence to his people who had been subjugated,
he reorganised the army,
he developed agriculture in Judah.
Uzziah was loved, cherished, respected and esteemed by his people.
Uzziah loved God, but his heart was divided.
He did not give himself wholeheartedly to God and did not stop the people from worshipping idols made by human hands.
King Uzziah was very successful and his heart grew proud.
And because of his pride, God had to put him aside; he was afflicted with leprosy and cast out.
Uzziah became famous, strong and prosperous because the Lord helped him.
He reigned well for many years. Then something happened.
He began to think too much of himself.
Instead of giving thanks and glory to God, he thought he had done too many good things.
He took credit for his success.
He began to become proud, and elevated himself in his own eyes.
It may have seemed that Uzziah was very religious for wanting to burn incense to the Lord.
But in doing so, he was giving himself a privilege that God had not given him.
It meant that he was trying to occupy a place that God had only given to the priests.
Although God blessed Uzziah and made him prosper, He did not abolish the law which gave only Aaron’s children the right to burn incense. Each person must occupy the place God has given him.
That’s how the leprosy got hold of him and he was excluded from the house of the Lord.
What interests us this morning is that the death of King Uzziah is a revelation about the path of our destiny, to experience the power of God’s glory at the risk of suffering spiritual stagnation or a fall.
Over time, we gain confidence and self-assurance.
We are lifted up in church or society,
The good news keeps coming our way,
We’ve been able to get married and have beautiful children,
we have the job we like,
we live in the house of our dreams,
we are part of a network of influence in society…
And unfortunately, the Word of God no longer appeals to us,
we drag our feet when it comes to doing God’s will,
We have to be convinced with arguments and evidence that we still have to obey God’s word.
We no longer find it useful to continue to humble ourselves before the throne of God.
Beloved, to see the glory of God,
some of our present relationships must die. Some people must disappear from our circle of acquaintances.
There are practices, habits, behaviours, attitudes that must also die within us.
There are places we must stop frequenting.
There are programmes, conversations and books that we must stop watching.
Until the symbol of King Uzziah disappears in us, or around us, we will be unable to deploy ourselves with power in our ministry, marriage, family and other areas.
Our shield of faith will continue to crack,
making us more and more vulnerable,
as we suffer the fiery darts of the enemy and the many tribulations of this world.
Deuteronomy, 33:11 – Bless his strength, O Lord! Accept the work of his hands. Break the backs of his adversaries, and let his enemies rise no more.
Pray that all those who fight against your blossoming may perish.
Father, may our efforts not be in vain.
Take from our enemies everything that makes up their strength.
Destroy their supports, break their pillars.
May all those who contradict our star be exposed and fall in Jesus’ name.
Good morning
Good day to you

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