My Month Of Knowledge! Ho4:6

Lord, we bless you and lift you up.
You are our Redeemer,
you are our refuge,
you are our strength,
you are our security…
To whom shall we go, Father?
You have the wisdom of life.
We want to sit at your feet to receive your teachings,
to sharpen our visions,
to fill our hearts with your words.
Time and again we have paid for instruction,
we’ve even been frustrated at not being able to go to school to get a better education,
We’re happy to have our heads full of the world’s knowledge, but we’re never interested in recharging our batteries with the word of God.
It’s hard to pick up a Bible and read it with passion,
It’s rare to find people who are faithful in their reading programmes,
It’s complicated to give priority to the Word of God over study.
It’s normal to put a lot of money into knowledge, but it’s a curse to do so in order to connect with the revelation of the Lord.
Let’s just remember that it’s all very well to invest in the things of this world, but we must also realise that what the Lord gives us will never be taken away from us.
Mary understood this, and went to sit at the feet of the Master to listen to the word of God.
She knew that this was an opportunity to be seized because the Lord won’t always be with her,
She knew that the information that comes from him is eternal and she doesn’t have to make a financial effort to receive this grace.
On the other hand, her sister Martha was getting confused in the kitchen about how to cook.
That’s fine, but she wasn’t in time.
Beloved, let us never miss an opportunity to be taught, let us not refuse moments of quality teaching.
Knowledge comes from God,
knowledge is life.
Revelation comes from the throne of grace.
Luke, 1:77 – To give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins,
Blessed is the Lord who grants Knowledge freely.
The people were in darkness, in formalism with a crooked heart, wicked and far from the true God.
This is why they needed the word of God to repent and cling to the Lord.
All we have to do is receive God’s word and obey.
Hello there
Good day to you

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