My Month Of Knowledge! Ho4:6

Let’s get away from the gossip,
Let’s stop gossiping.
It’s a sin…
It’s an aggressive disease,
It’s a progressive epidemic,
These bad words that quickly invade our conversations,
This venom that slowly penetrates our exchanges,
These poisons that destroy our discussions.
It may seem like nothing, but it shatters unity.
What amuses us about this subject is that so many of us are looking at the mote that is in our neighbour’s eye,
we’re going to prevent ourselves from realising that we ourselves are trapped in this system,
we are as if controlled by this horrible sin that invades our minds.
We are no better, so let’s be careful about unhealthy and unproductive conversations.
We speak so many words every day and we don’t ask ourselves whether they are edifying words or not,
whether what we communicate conveys grace to those who hear it or proclaims our folly.
Proverbs is a book of wisdom that reminds us and advises us.
It is painful but necessary to understand that we must learn to be silent.
It’s a risk to talk a lot because most of the time,
we say things we shouldn’t say or things that people don’t need to hear.
With our words, let’s encourage,
grow, lead people to look to Christ, comfort,
give joy, assurance, hope, make people laugh…
Beloved, let us think of all the moments when we regret having opened our mouths unnecessarily.
Let’s think of all the times when we would have been better off reading God’s Word rather than speaking.
Guilt gnaws at us and that’s normal.
We have sinned.
We use our tongues to destroy rather than to build, we sin.
Our tongue reveals the evil desires of our heart, we sin.
Let us ask forgiveness of the Lord and of all those we have offended with all the words we have spoken unnecessarily.
From now on, let’s make a commitment to speak only good words that, as needed, serve to edify and transmit grace to those who hear them.
Proverbs, 17:28 – Even a fool, when he is silent, is considered wise; he who shuts his lips is a man of understanding.
It is not alwals necessary to talk, be less talkative!
The need to keep your mouth shut.
Keeping our mouths shut protects our identity and puts us in a position of wisdom and prudence.
Let’s just be disciplined and not let our tongues condemn us.
Good morning to us
Good day to you

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