My Month Of Knowledge! Ho4:6

In our churches, it is normal to pray for families, for weddings, for our country, but it is rare that we stop to pray for our brothers and sisters.
In our prayers of intercession, we hear people praying aloud for themselves and not for someone else.
We are often advised to support one another in the Lord, to be present and to show love.
This is not always the case in a capitalistic and individualistic society, even in the body of Christ.
In the early Church, Peter was imprisoned for the Gospel and the Church continued to pray for him.
No one was at peace and everyone rose to join in the prayer of a brother in need.
Everyone gathered to pray for Peter.
Beloved, it is important to come together to pray, it is necessary to have a burden of prayer.
Together, prayer is so powerful, so strong, so intense that heaven automatically opens up.
In this case, they did not hear Peter knocking on the door, so much so that the glory of God broke down the prison doors.
God is looking for true intercessors, those who pray effectively, with love.
Praying for a brother or sister creates unity, encourages brothers and sisters and stimulates love and good deeds.
For some things, for some struggles, we cannot do it alone,
Let’s have prayer partners who will pray to God for us,
people who will beg God for an impossible situation in our lives.
We need to have an address, a regular place for a prayer group, a reference where we can rest and be supported.
Ephesians, 1:18 – and may he enlighten the eyes of your heart, so that you may know what is the hope of his calling, what is the riches of the glory of his inheritance which he reserves for the saints,
Pray for the brothers and sisters in the Lord you know.
Our hearts have eyes and if they are not enlightened, we will plunge into destruction.
As long as revelation does not dwell in us, we cannot enjoy the blessings foreseen by the Lord, we cannot even imagine all that is attached to the fact that we are spiritual men.
Let us pray to gather treasures in heaven.
Let us not be insensitive to the needs of our vulnerable brothers and sisters.
Let us be generous and reach out.
Good morning to you all
Good day to you all

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