My Month Of Humility! Matt18:4

In any case, Lord, we are already soaked, and humility only needs to settle within us.
We are all lost on the path of pride,
struggling to make our lives successful,
we go the extra mile to make our businesses prosper,
we persevere so that our ministries take off…
This is the beating of our hearts, to be counted among the people that society honours and respects.
Being influential isn’t bad, being rich isn’t a bad thing either, but it’s the management of that position that destroys us, it’s a status that generally feeds our pride and drives us to declare ourselves gods in the lives of others.
We want to be the best preacher,
We want to be the best and biggest church,
We want to have thousands of members even though we can’t keep up with them,
We want the world to know we’re not just anybody.
It’s true, it flatters us, but is God always with us in all this fighting?
Is God often in our midst in this thirst?
Does God always precede us in our decisions?
A little glory has kept us from God’s presence.
A little visibility has made us fly until we are no longer able to humble ourselves before the one who made us.
We can see the men of God, so pretentious, so bold, so arrogant, who think that God is them.
That they can command God and order him to hurry up whenever they want.
My friends, be careful!
The Father is not our playmate, and when he puts an end to the playtime, the stroke is likely to take many of us with it, so let’s return quietly to our first love.
Let God be master of the ceremony.
Let his law dominate, let his grace overflow…
The story of John the Baptist should teach us,
Here was a man of God who knew what his mission was,
He knew that he was not there to please men.
Everything for him was to clear the way for those above him.
His outward appearance was not what was important,
he didn’t expect the honours of men, nor the appreciation of his family,
he didn’t seek to please, or to attract attention.
He just wanted the gospel to be spread,
he just wanted the world to return to the path of truth.
He didn’t have two messages,
he didn’t have several revelations…
He was inspired by the Holy Spirit to speak to the world about repentance.
He knew his limits,
he knew where his mission ended.
That’s why he made it clear to many that the messiah was on his way, to avoid confusion.
In John, 3:30 – He must increase, and I must decrease.
Pray that God will be seen more through your life.
What humility on the part of John the Baptist!
He was not there to take advantage of the privileges and honours attached to his mission.
He was aware that he was only a channel, a vessel used by the Lord.
He knew how to discipline his ego and submit to the Lord.
In any case, as long as Yaweh does not grow within us,
as long as he doesn’t fill the space in our hearts, as long as he doesn’t take all the space…
It is clear that we have not descended, it is clear that we are not ready to diminish.
The choice is ours.
Either Jesus Christ reigns in our lives or we are quietly in the dark.
Have a good day

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