My Month Of Proclamation! Deut32:3

We cannot proclaim without authority, without knowing the word of God.
This month’s message is a challenge to all those who want to call into existence what does not exist,
is to declare with faith what we want to see happen in our lives and to wait for it with perseverance.
And one of the secrets of proclamation, which gives us access and the right to it, is repentance.
Yes, repentance that we don’t like to hear.
It’s a preaching that’s drifting further and further away from our churches, a challenge that grieves many.
Repentance is not just for one category of people, it’s about talking about the gospel to everyone in front of us.
To speak of repentance does not depend on the number of people, it is to lead others to free themselves from sin and to receive forgiveness.
Repentance calls for humility, and its purpose is to awaken those who sleep under naivety, ignorance… while Jesus is at the door.
*As Paul waited for them in Athens, he felt his spirit burn within him at the sight of a city full of idols.
*So he talked in the synagogue with the Jews and the God-fearing men, and in the marketplace every day with everyone he met.
*Some of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers began to talk with him. And some of them said, “What does this talker mean? Others, hearing him proclaim Jesus and the resurrection, said, “It seems that he is proclaiming foreign divinities.
*Then they took him and brought him to the Areopagus, saying, “May we know what this new doctrine is that you are teaching?
*For you make us hear strange things. We would like to know what it is.
*Now all the Athenians and the foreigners living in Athens spent their time talking and listening to the news.
*Paul, standing in the midst of the Areopagus, said: “Men of Athens, I find you in every respect extremely religious.
*For as I walked through your city and looked at the objects of your devotion, I even found an altar with this inscription: To an unknown god! What you revere without knowing is what I am announcing to you.
*The God who made the world and all that is in it, being the Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands.
*He is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, he who gives life and breath and all things to all.
*He made all men of one blood to dwell on all the face of the earth, having determined the length of time and the limits of their dwelling place.
*He willed that they should seek the Lord and grope for him, though he is not far from each of us.
For in him we have life, movement and being. This is what some of your poets have also said: Of him we are the offspring….
*Therefore, being the offspring of God, we must not think that the Godhead is like gold, silver, or stone, carved by the art and industry of man.
*God, regardless of the times of ignorance, now announces to all men everywhere that they must repent.
The statue dedicated to the unknown god and the multitude of idols are proof that the Greeks were in great ignorance.
They were groping for the true God like all the other nations.
Paul invites us all to repent,
we must preach repentance,
we must call people to repentance, to saving faith.
Acts 20:21 – preaching repentance towards God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ to Jews and Greeks.
Talk about the kingdom of heaven to all kinds of
Our sins can only be forgiven if we return to God and sincerely ask his forgiveness and have faith that the shed blood of Jesus will wash away the guilt of past sins.
On this day, let us open our hearts and let Jesus dwell in them.
Good day to you all
Good day

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