My Month of Possessions!Ps16:6

The conquest of wealth often brings us into circles that we do not always master.
Many have been sacrificed for being physically heavy.
We want to be recognized in society, we want to be in the big leagues, we envy others, we rely on relationships that destroy us.
In our opinion, the most important thing is to get out of it.
That’s according to us, according to the men we are.
The Bible says what is the use for a man to win the world if he loses his soul?
What is the use of all his property if God is not the purveyor?
The Lord does not ask us to live in poverty but he wants us to understand that our priorities are elsewhere and not ephemeral things.
Whites fight to help Africans, they show Africans how to manage themselves, it’s not necessarily because of love but first because they want to exploit us, they have their interests to preserve, they have the riches to draw.
Same for us men, we do not do anything for nothing, there is always something to gain, as long as our interests are not threats, as long as we have what we want, the rest does not count.
Over-capitalism covers the world.
We are because the others are, we do not budge to take what does not belong to us.
It is not only in the world that we see this kind of thing even in the church, we have opportunists in the church, people who are there to get rich, people who make false deliverance or false words of knowledge to draw crowds, people who divide families or who take the property of others because of their ignorance or naivety.
Let us hear what the Lord says this morning.
He speaks to all of us in Psalms, 37:27 – Turn away from evil, do good, and have your home forever.
Avoid evil in order to keep your possessions safe.
Let’s do good, which is right even in the eyes of God.
We invest our strengths, our intelligence, our energies, our time, our money in projects, we sometimes apply what we call the exploitation of man by man, we have the employees that we do not pay but who work like sick, we do not help them to prosper to be better tomorrow, we want to be the only ones to have a place in the sun.
GOD tells us that we must be careful.
If we want to conceive our heritage, let the love of Jesus be our motivation.
If we hope to see our wealth grow, sharing must be our motto.
An inheritance given by God does not disappear, on the contrary he increases.
And we are not afraid to help anyone for fear that it will end because we are attached to Jesus, he is the one who preserves it.
Zachee understood it and he said to himself if I have this Jesus, I have everything and I will live no more in doubts then I return what is not mine.
Like this man, let’s reframe and return to Jesus.
Hello people of God.
Have a good day

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