My Month Of Wisdom ! Pr3:13

Why do we spend our time looking far and wide for that which is ready?
We mourn, yet we can turn to the Lord, we can rely on him.
In the Lord we can rejoice,
in him we can have the peace and wisdom we long for.
He is called “the wonderful counsellor” because he is a mark of trust,
He is a privilege,
He is a responsibility.
The Bible teaches us that all power has been given to Him, which means that He is the one who holds what we seek, He is the one who brings us to our rest.
Beloved, let us wait on the Lord.
Let us hope in him, it is not in Egypt that we will find satisfaction,
It is not in the world that we shall have results,
Nor in lamentations will we find solutions.
Let us decide to serve Jesus,
Let us spread the gospel of Jesus,
It is while we are working for the Lord that he releases his blessing,
It is while we sit at the foot of the cross that he opens his ways to us,
While we feed the altar of God, he also provides for us.
Isaiah 28:29 – This also is from the LORD of hosts; wonderful is his counsel, and great is his wisdom.
Bless the Lord, the giver of all good things.
The Lord protects us, he defends us.
He gives us better plans and strategies.
When a word comes from the Lord, it is perfect, it is authentic, it is light.
The Lord knows everything before we think or imagine.
He searches the hearts and minds and reveals all that is hidden.
Whatever we need, let us ask the Father.
He is there and always present to sustain us.
Good morning to all
Good day to you

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