My Month of Victory!1 Co15:57

There are several parameters in life that cause us to lose ground.
Many disturbances that affect our lives, unpleasant surprises that happen without us being prepared.
It’s hard not to give in to fear, anger, panic or annoyance.
The lesson of the day therefore forbids it and asks us to pray to keep your calm, no matter what you go through.
We must also learn not to disperse, to concentrate on the essentials, to avoid uselessness, and not to get lost in business.
As Christians, we must learn not to break our heads because God is for us and He is with us therefore we have unlimited solutions in him, learn to let go and recognize that God is our only help.
We have a typical example in the Bible with the people of Israel who found themselves in a difficult situation, with no way out, no landmark, no longer knowing what to do or think, they lost their temper and began to put the pressure on Moses, their solution given by God forgetting that all these feats are useless, they lack confidence in God and Moses.
And this is exactly what happens to us often, we are overwhelmed, suffocated by our problems, seeking solutions elsewhere than in the word of God, leaving us carried away by our emotions instead of going before the Lord.
We must learn to have an attitude of gratitude, say thank you to God for the solutions he gives us and we refuse to see.
Let us be calm, let us stay in prayer, in silence.
It is not cowardly to behave in such a way when we are in adversity, it is not to give up.
It is to have peace, it is not to allow the devil to frustrate us and steal our joy, it is to have the assurance that our God will certainly act, to trivialize the importance of our difficulties.
Let’s not lose sight of the fact that David would not have defeated Goliath if he had been agitating instead of concentrating, looking at the size of his opponent instead of invoking his God.
It is normal that we go through the dessert, God has never said it would be easy but we must stay strong, persevere in the fight.
Ecclesiastes 10: 4 – If the spirit of him who is ruler rise up against you, do not leave your place; because calm prevents great sins.
Hello people of God
Let’s be zen!
May the Lord bless us.
Have a good day

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