My Month of Evangelism!Mk16:15

Please, forgive, this is our message this morning. Euchh, we must learn tolerance, we are too insensitive, too suspicious and we no longer know how to give the benefit of the doubt. Always ready to conspire against others, to speak out, to accuse, to reject, to slander, to condemn … Yes to condemn … Who are we to decide the fate of the other? Who are we to conclude from people’s lives? Who are we to say what one deserves and the other does not? Do we think we know too much? Do we think we are too perfect? Do we think we are worthy of giving lessons and judging? Do we think we deserve mercy and others do not? We spend our time making others feel guilty, as if their faults are so enormous, serious, unforgivable. We lead people to condemn themselves, to devalue themselves, to no longer appreciate themselves, to be the shadow of themselves. We all allowed ourselves that we took the liberty to decide who would be imprisoned or not, so that some would benefit from the presidential pardon. It may be convenient for us on earth, but we want to tell ourselves this morning that divine grace is more than effective. To condemn is to repel someone, it is not to give him the opportunity to justify himself, it is all to conclude in his place, it provokes a disgust of self, it is to kill others slowly, it is to say to the other that he has no defense and that he is unforgivable. In the Bible, there are people who think they know everything, who even know the Bible from beginning to end, we call them * sabitous *, they think they are good gods on earth. The word of God called them the scribes and the Pharisees. It is always these traitors who have caught a woman in the act of adultery and sentenced her. They searched for the allies stuck under the law like them to stone the lady. The woman remained quiet, defenseless, she was aware that she was wrong, she was unworthy because that’s what the company said. But when Jesus intervened, everything changed. He put everyone in front of his destiny and his accusers came back empty-handed. We have to stop that, shame, isolation … crack human beings. And that’s why Paul said in Romans, 8: 1 – So there is now no condemnation for those who are in Jesus Christ. Bless the Lord for you have been acquitted !!!
Because of Jesus, we are free, the divine grace is far beyond the presidential grace. Jesus saved us and freed us, we have nothing to fear, live in the freedom that God has given us. He went to the cross unconditionally for us to be free. For all who are in Jesus, he models us and renews us every day. In * Sans Pareil * a song by Alain Moloto, he says * he knows us better than those who are in front of us because he lives inside us. When the man who can see the hearts condemns, he who lives in our hearts, he sympathizes, he always intervenes with love and tenderness where the hardness of men can conclude fatally * No more guilt, No more manipulations of men No more failures and frustrations No more stress because there is no more conviction for me and for you. Jesus has already paid the price for our freedom. Hello people of God Have a good day.

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