My Month Of Ornamentation! Ez16:13

We are all trapped by cravings and jealousy.
We can destroy with our hands the inheritance that God has given us.
Cain got angry and killed his brother Abel because the Lord had accepted his offering, he preferred to be a murderer rather than deal with the situation.
Samson was a servant of God, he had an overflowing anointing, he had a mission and a vision but he himself broke the covenant by going to confide in Delilah, a stranger.
Even chosen for Saul, he could not wait for Samuel who was to make the sacrifice and he tore the royal mantle that protected him
Israel could not be a grateful people, beyond God’s love for them, they lacked trust in the Lord and in the end, they made their jewelry a calf to worship and consult Him.
This is what Ezekiel tells us, 16:17 – You took your magnificent adornment of gold and silver, which I had given you, and you made simulacra of men, with you prostitute.
Pray not to be the destroyer of your ornamentation.
The Lord gave His people perfect beauty whose fame spread among the nations.
Israel trusted in her beauty and prostituted themselves, made high places for themselves and dishonored her beauty and prostituted themselves to strangers.
Beloved, we must trust the Lord.
We must stop trampling on the grace of God in our lives and move the hand of God away.
We are therefore invited to watch so as not to go out of the way.
Good morning all
Have a good day

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