My Month Of Assurance! Ps55:23

Being trustworthy is another dimension.
Everyone thinks they can be trusted, everyone feels capable of insuring and keeping a secret.
Everyone will have the reflex to answer with the affirmation because we do not consider ourselves hypocritical people.
For us, our friends, our families know that they can count on us.
For God, the trustworthy person is a faithful servant, he is honest and devoted to his master, he is obedient to the voice of his master.
We may honor our commitments but none of us are trustworthy, only God is trustworthy, he does not change.
We are always seeking our own interests at the expense of those of others. We lack love for our neighbour, we deceive ourselves, we overestimate ourselves, we let pride show up and we think that our strength is enough for us.
To remain trustworthy, we must humble ourselves and remember what God has already accomplished, abandon at the foot of the cross all our sins that make us unworthy.
Abraham became the father of faith because God tested him and he did not hesitate to show the Father that he depended on him.
The Lord asked Abraham to give his son to Him as a sacrifice and without thinking, Abraham obeyed.
Beloved, we must work to have the Lord trust us.
Proverbs, 11:13 – He who spreads slander reveals secrets, but he who is faithful in spirit keeps them.
Fast and pray to become/remain trustworthy.
*Slander* is to give a bad testimony, it is to tell lies, it is to destroy the reputation of the neighbor, it is to defame, it is to blacken.
Let’s refrain from talking anyhow and preserve the lives of our brothers, love them and protect them.
Father, give us to be like you and to be a good seed.
hello to us
Have a good day

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