My Month Of Prayers ! 1Pe4:7

The Lord is able to help us, let us trust Him and have attitudes of gratitude.
This morning we have the green light to open our hearts and present our concerns to the Lord without embarrassment.
The Bible recommends that we return to the Lord with our burdens and loads and He will give us rest.
If the Lord can provide us with peace of mind, tranquility.
This means that we do not need to worry any more because worry is the lot of those who doubt, those who are unbelievers.
Philippians, 4:6 – Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything let your needs be known to God by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving.
Mention your needs to the Lord without limiting yourself.
Is the verse an advice or a command?
The truth is that it is within our reach.
The Lord knows our weaknesses and limitations.
He knows that we worry all the time, our worries show that our trust in God is not genuine.
Let us know that worries take away our peace,
they keep us awake at night,
they make us sick.
These incessant reflections on the things of the world do not help us if our faith falters.
Whatever bothers us, let us present it to the Lord.
Many of us pick and choose what we want to present to the Lord, we find that our daily worries are too small and will not interest God.
It’s not up to us, God is the father and everything about us involves him.
Sharing everything with him develops our fellowship more.
The passage speaks to us of needs, not of our whims, not of useless things.
Let’s stop saying that God knows our needs, he wants to hear them from us, he wants contact with us, it is his presence that gives us assurance.
Above all, let us say thank you to the Lord for his works in our lives.
Paul encourages us to rejoice and explains that through prayer we can have peace of heart.
As we await our answer, let us remain calm and confident, for the Father always blesses his children.
Good morning to all
Good day to you

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