My Month Of Gifts ! Ps37:4

As we have decided in the church that we must defile God,
That we are not going to be in his image,
That the world will see that he is a God who does not bless and does not keep his promises,
That what must take precedence in his house is unemployment, laziness, idleness.
Let us just know that what we want the world to believe is a lie and an illusion.
Alongside our heaviness are people like us who are grateful to the Lord for the multiplication of the works of their hands.
They work hard to fulfil themselves and their dreams.
The Bible tells us that Joseph entered Egypt as a slave, he had nothing.
He just knew that he was destined for great things and to eat at the table of kings.
When an opportunity presented itself to Joseph, he took it and entered into God’s plan.
For Joseph, he knew how to interpret dreams, but what about us?
What can we do?
Better still, what do we do with the gifts that lie dormant in us?
Because Joseph interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams that no one else could and his position changed.
Joseph made everything he touched prosper and became acting Pharaoh.
His authority enabled him to deliver his family from famine.
A stranger in a land asserted his identity as a child of God and fruit followed.
His gift opened the doors to glory,
His knowledge gave him authority.
His talent spoke for itself.
This morning we want to talk about the fruit of our work.
Work is a work, a blessing,
a labour,
an activity that we do to fulfil ourselves and to provide for ourselves.
The fruit is the reward,
the wages we receive when we have made an effort.
And that’s what Laban didn’t want, all he cared about was getting rich regardless of who was bearing the prosperity.
In the end, the Lord was able to salute Jacob’s courage in the face of the situation.
And Jacob was finally able to enjoy his fruit with his family.
Praise the Lord for the fruit of your labour.
Ecclesiastes, 3:13 – but that if a man eats and drinks and enjoys well-being in the midst of all his work, this is a gift from God.
Let us say thank you to the Lord because He keeps watering us with the best fruits.
No one has the capacity to multiply.
This is my grace from God,
It is the hand of God,
It is the presence of God.
As we fulfill ourselves, let us also give thanks to the Lord.
Good morning to all
Good day to you

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