My Month Of Praises! He13:15

The Lord did not tell us to turn on the television and start dancing.
The Lord didn’t tell us to listen to praise in a place and celebrate with them,
Nor did he tell us to get together with our friends and glorify him.
He said let us lift up his name with the members of our churches.
That means the Lord wants us to go into our sanctuaries in his honour.
The instruction is clear and it is best for us to obey.
In a season like this, when the heavens are so open, we must not disperse.
Let us remain at the foot of Jesus with our songs of joy as the Church.
The Lord knows us and he knows how light we are in our ways,
he knows how unpositioned we are,
he knows that we don’t know how to keep track of the times and seasons and that we can get up on a day like this to run after words of knowledge to a prophet and abandon our ministries.
He knows how seduced we are by appearances and gives us this precious advice.
Let us shout for joy with our brothers with whom we usually share.
Beloved, the truth we must also know is that we cannot rejoice with strangers,
we cannot be at ease with strangers.
It’s with our own that we are happy, it’s with our families that we don’t need to dress up, we are ourselves and safe.
So, we who read this message
let’s put on our best clothes and go to our father’s house and praise the greatness of our God, and tell him how many times his goodness has brought us out of unexpected situations.
It is before him that we must open our hearts, it is before him that we must diminish so that he may grow.
Let’s listen carefully to this morning’s words.
Isaiah, 12:4 – And you shall say in that day: Praise the Lord, call on his name, proclaim his works among the peoples, remember the greatness of his name.
Praise the Lord with your brothers in your congregation.
We will say this Sunday
we will bear witness on this day to the Lord,
we will encourage the brothers never to fail to lift up the greatness of the King of kings.
The name of Jesus Christ must never leave our lips,
It is up to us to tell the world that he is alive and powerful; it is up to us to influence the world by transforming our minds.
So, brothers and sisters, no matter what our eyes see, Jesus is faithful and nothing must separate us from his love.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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