My Month Of Prosperity! 3Jn1:2

We bless the Lord again and again.
A new day is here with its blessings and challenges.
We want to give thanks to the Father because his protection is real,
we want to give him all the glory because he never ceases to guarantee us his presence.
He supports us and restores us.
Many times we have found ourselves in complicated situations, but we have run to take refuge in the skirts of our friends,
we thought we’d find comfort in the arms of our companions,
we thought we would find rest and shelter elsewhere than in the presence of God.
We have opened our hearts to those we call our friends,
we have revealed our innermost secrets to those we call our loved ones.
We thought we would find comfort and tranquillity with them, but it is they who have betrayed us,
they let us down,
they exposed us,
they humiliated us,
they abused us…
Why did they do that?
Surely we chose the wrong side, we went to rest under the shelter of the devil and he stripped us,
he emptied us,
he broke us…
Now we’re bitter, frustrated, full of complexes…
Who do we confide in?
Who’s the first person we turn to when we’re going through a difficult time?
Who do we turn to for advice?
The Bible tells us that Rehoboam disregarded the advice of the mature men, the old men, the advisers of his father Solomon, and tapped into youth.
And his reign was weakened.
And Samson himself, every time he performed a feat, instead of going to the foot of the Lord to recharge his batteries, he went to Dalilah to celebrate, and that cost him his life.
Who is our first confidant?
Who is the first person we talk to?
Do we run to God to weep or do men give us peace?
Proverbs, 28:25 – The proud stir up strife, But he who trusts in the Lord is satisfied.
Pray to make the Lord your first confident.
When we show ourselves to be superior to others,
when we think we have arrived and look down on others,
when humility has left us, we are constantly scorning others, always criticising, mocking and making others feel useless and worthless.
All around us is discord and misunderstanding.
But if we know how to come down and let Jesus grow,
if we allow the Lord to take all the space in our hearts and in our lives, we will be prosperous people,
we will experience what is called divine satisfaction.
So, brother and sister, no one can give us peace of mind except Jesus.
Let’s entrust ourselves to him.
He is our best choice.
Good day to you all
Have a nice day

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