My Month Of Prosperity! 3Jn1:2

We should all draw inspiration from Solomon’s prayer in our search for wisdom.
In the intercession of this king, he humbled himself before the Lord and recognised his limitations.
Solomon was a young, inexperienced king who wanted what was best for his people.
He soon realised that governing without God’s support was a waste of time.
And because his prayer was not in vain, the Lord was touched and gave him a wise and intelligent heart plus glory and riches.
Intelligence is the ability to understand and wisdom is the quality of someone who shows good and sound judgement.
The Bible tells us that to fear God is to be wise, but to avoid evil is to be intelligent.
Solomon had every reason in the world to be proud, but he recognised his lowliness by imploring God’s wisdom.
Sometimes misunderstandings lead us to make the wrong decisions, things get out of hand and we make the wrong choices.
Without wisdom, we cannot move forward.
Beloved, it is God’s understanding that enables us to discern what is right for us to do. God’s wisdom keeps us on the path to joy in Christ,
it will enable us to avoid mistakes and to advise others.
We can do as Solomon did, even if we don’t have a kingdom to rule; we undoubtedly have difficult decisions to make,
Let’s be inspired by Solomon’s prayer.
Fast and pray for wisdom and understanding.
2 Chronicles, 1:11 – God said to Solomon: Since this is what is in your heart, since you don`t ask for riches or wealth or glory or the death of your enemies or even long life, but you ask for yourself wisdom and understanding to judge my people over whom I have made you king,
We are left with these words: wisdom and understanding also bring prosperity.
If we want to reign like King Solomon, let’s ask the Lord to fill us with his wisdom and understanding.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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